Category Archives: Publishing

Happy New Year!!

Here it is four days into 2011 already and I am  just getting around to blogging once more – or maybe more than once. We’ve had a quiet New Year so far. The other retirees here are up into their 80’s, or more, so we just watched the “ball drop” in our own apartment.

We had a great Christmas. Our grandsons – ages nine and eleven – came on Christmas day and we took them out for sandwiches that evening. (Have you ever tried to find fast food on Christmas night.) We started out looking for a Taco Bell and ended up at Jack in the Box. The boys ate  like it was their last meal.

They stayed over and went to church with us,  then we all ate brunch and we taught them to play pool. They thought it was funny that they came to the “old folks’ home” and Gran’ma and Poppa taught them.

We have just been lying low since New Year and are now contemplating taking down the Christmas decorations – one day soon, I suppose – so it will look like our apartment again and the housekeeper will be able to get around inside and do her job.

As you can see, we are really enjoying the retired life. I haven’t had any editing jobs – yet – but have done some more writing. They are “published” online at Come on over and read my books and some of my peers, as well. Make some comments and I will try to answer them all.

Writing Again

I have finally begun writing seriously again. I have picked up an unfinished prose work which was formerly untitled and is now published under the title, Comings and Goings; the chapel in the woods. You can read this on under my name. I have a number of other books there as well, including my first foray into children’s books, The Adventures of Chris Mouse, under a new nom de plum, Uncle Wayne. Please read and comment on these and any others posted there.

Some of the books I’ve posted on BookRix are older works, usually “re-worked” for publication. I have included the  and some Advent candle lighting devotionals.

I am still looking for editing and proofreading opportunities – not counting those of my own and those of my peers. I would really like to make, at least, a little money at it. Although I do enjoy doing it!

These posts seem to be few and far-between these days, but having retired, and having expectations of having more time, turned out to be more of the same and much less interesting than I had anticipated. But I do enjoy not having to get up at 5:30 every morning unless for some reason I choose to do so.

Keep your responses  coming and I will try to stay on top of those, too.

See My New Link

I meant to post this before the following one. I want to make sure you see my new link under Tilden Editing Services and Most Visited. The link is BookRix; read free books online. I have written and “published” four “books” here; two complete, two still not finished. Please read them, rate them, and make your comments.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

While you’re there consider  joining those of us who are members of the group.

Editing … Proofreading … & Writing

I am “celebrating” another afternoon to myself. My wife, MaryJane is lying down – sleeping (?) – so I don’t expect to be disturbed for “a while”. We are finally having “strange” – i.e. Fall – weather here. Fog and rain one day, clear and windy the next, warm and sunny, followed immediately by more rain. They say “we’ll get used to it”. I say, at last, a chance for some distinguishable seasons.

I think I mentioned last time that I will be doing a final proofread before publication for a new client who is putting her book into an eBook format.This should be a little different for me, but also an exciting challenge.

Another friend sent me a link to her new book on BookRix. You can publish your “book” – nearly any size – as an online book with your own copyright and ISBN number. Her book was only about ten or fewer pages long. It was well produced and relatively easy to read once you figured how to enlarge it to a readable size.

I am thinking of putting some shorter things together and posting them there. A least until I get a “feel” for the place and feel that it is all safe and “legit”. Keep watching your eMail about this.

So … with all that being said; If I think I’ll ever get any work done in either the editing or writing areas, I need to do more of that; and less of this. After all: “It’s what you do that defines you; not what you say.”