Monthly Archives: April 2010

An update

I really want to keep this fresh and up-to-date. Right now time seems to be too short as we work toward my actual retirement and all the paperwork which goes with it; as well as the downsizing of everything in our house and garage as we anticipate a move in the near future.

So my actual time to work at any editing or proofreading seems to be getting elbowed out for the next few weeks. But I am still willing and able to take on any projects which you can send my way – either your own or for a third party.

I have been doing a lot of reading on various subjects to help hone my skills. They are listed on my book list on Fiction, editing manuals, and books on networking are a large part of my reading list these days.

This blog will continue to be an update of what I am doing and will give you an opportunity to comment in many ways as you see and read. I welcome any comments you may have and I hope to turn this into a place where all our current challenges and triumphs can be shared and recognized.

Keep this spot in mind.

New Look; New Pages

I didn’t think I’d be doing this so soon, but I really liked this “Appearance” and proceeded. I think it gives the whole blog a more professional and business-like appearance. Some of what I was used to in the second column isn’t there, but I will place some of that on the right-hand column.

There are also a couple additional pages forthcoming which I think you’ll find interesting and “educational.” At least that’s my hope.

To those of you who are actually following my blog, thank you. If you have suggestions or other things you’d like to see here, let me know.

Blessings to you all.